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  • Dear User,


    As of 29th November 2024, this site will be decommissioned and no longer available. For any questions, please contact your sales representative.


    Please note, your email will be added to the distribution list for information on new promotions that will be available to you. From our next cycle you will receive the promotional offers by email.


    The process is outlined below:


    • At the beginning and during each promotional cycle we will email with the latest promotional offering and any other information applicable to the portfolio.
    • To place an order you will be able to submit the forms received by email back to your representative or call your designated salesperson.

    Kind Regards


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My Account

What is a “primary Pharmacy” and what does that mean.  How can I make another pharmacy of mine the primary?

A primary pharmacy is the main pharmacy that you would want all ordering and other activities that the system to take into account.  If you have only one pharmacy that is by default the primacy pharmacy.  

You have the option to change the primary pharmacy.  You will need the PHARMAGENIUS™ number for the new pharmacy.  In 'My account', click 'My pharmacies', and click on 'add new pharmacy'.

It is strongly recommended that you first add the second pharmacy before you remove the old pharmacy.  If you experience any difficulties please contact Kenvue Head Office Support. Contact Details: 012664706,


I have tried to add another pharmacy to my account but the system will not allow me even with the correct PHARMAGENIUS™ number.

Please contact JKenvue Head Office Support. Contact Details: 012664706, the details will be verified and tested.



How do I remove a staff member from my pharmacy?  Will he/ she still have access to my pharmacy details?

Only Managers can remove staff members.  In 'My account' go to 'My team' and remove the user by editing the user record.  Once the user has been removed he/ she will not see any details of the pharmacy.


I was once registered to a Pharmacy, now I am between jobs can I still use the site.

Yes the site can be used but there will be very limited functionality.  The user will be able to see his training records and download training certificates


I am trying to add a member of my staff to my pharmacies but the system cannot find him.

Check if the user has registered correctly.  Check if the user first name and last name are correct.  Collect details and contact Kenvue Head Office Support. Contact Details: 012664706,


I have rejected a manager for a pharmacy, however they have not been removed.

Collect details of the user First name and last name and escalate to the Kenvue Head Office Support. Contact Details: 012664706,